Today I helped out with preparation for Semana de los Jovenes again, and painted posters with Nata; Fun but tiring. I also went with Daicey to a “Charla” or meeting for women at the Red Cross in Peralta. They came together to discuss different ways of promoting health in the community and to their children. We walked home, which was pretty far, and stopped at the Internet Center, where any people can come, sign in, and use the internet when they need to. It’s similar to a library, but only computers. When we got home we took a ride with Johnny to buy something for dinner (never found it), but we rode around all of Peralta looking in every store. After I had dinner, Christian came over and invited me to the birthday party for Paloma and Beatrice (twins from the church) who turned 18 today. On the way to the party, he brought me to his house and introduced me to his two brothers, one of whom is also a Christian, and his neices and nephews. They were very sweet and I liked getting to know more about him by meeting his family. The party was absolutely amazing! Everyone was there, and they played lots of cool games. One was putting the name of everyone there on a piece of paper. One was drawn at a time, and that person had to come to the front, pop a balloon, and inside the balloon was something they had to do. It was mostly Karyoke type things, where they would have to sing a song to the birthday girls. Overall, the party was really cool because it was just a gathering of all youth from the church to celebrate the birthday and the presence of God in their lives. Very uplifting! I came home and hung out with Franchesca, ate some Mango, and talked. It was really nice to spend more time with her J!

The Red Cross in Peralta
Technology Center
Dabeyli and I (She works at the desk)